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The Mario Maker

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Nerd Rage - Update
The Mario Maker

June 13th, 2014

If you analyze Nintendo's release habits, a surprising pattern emerges.

This week's comic actually came up before Mario Maker was confirmed to be a real thing.

When all we had was a supposedly leaked photo my friend commented that it made sense if you looked at Nintendo's releases over the years they've gone from a focus in releasing new games, to releasing rehashes and old games, so the next obvious step would be to release a game that the player has to make themself.

I responded that it was more like they were adhering more and more to a development style advocated by their Wario Ware games.

Coming from someone who spent many hours in his childhood fiddling with Mario Paint and many more hours in his adult-hood fiddling with Little Big Planet, I think this new Mario Maker could be a lot of fun.

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