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It's Thinking

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It's Thinking

November 30th, 2012

With Jet Set Radio HD available, I had to point out I'd never actually owned Jet Set Radio. Or Shenmue. Why did I even have a Dreamcast?

In my defence, I was a late adopter, only getting the ill-fated Sega machine after production ceased. I had also intended to buy Shenmue. Having spent hours with Phantasy Star Online, Sonic Adventure, and Chu Chu Rocket, I think my dues have been paid. But most importantly, Seaman was my favorite Dreamcast game (get your snickering out now.)

For the uninitiated, Seaman was a microphone-based 'pet', starring some sort of carp with a human face and narrated by Leonard Nimoy as himself (you can't make this stuff up). And over the years it's also been one of the few Dreamcast games that's made me pull out the system and replay it.

Somewhere between Tamagotchi and SmarterChild, Seaman you had to check in each day to change the temperature in his tank, feed for the sarcastic fish-man, and keep the water clean. The Seaman would talk to you and ask about your life and, through the included microphone, you would talk back.

I didn't torture my man-faced-fish-creature (at least on the first go around), but he did have a surprising number of answers he could respond to. For example, when he asked how many kids I had (and I told him 18), Seaman informed me I was a human being, not a opossum.

I loved Seaman so much that I eventually imported Seaman 2. The key word there being imported. Now, keep in mind, I don't speak Japanese. I don't understand Japanese. This was probably not a real great idea, but as I said -- I loved Seaman, so I wanted to try the sequel. In this game you're given control of a tiny island with a tiny Peking Man named Gabo. I was able to fumble my way through for a couple weeks before the prompts became too complex for me to respond.

So what of Seaman 3? Well, according to a Nikkei report last year, where Nintendo mentioned a 3DS iteration of the game. Then creator Yoot Saito had this bizarre Christmas-Seaman tweet. But even if a 3DS Seaman does happen, it seems unlikely a game this odd and with so much localization would hit the US again.

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