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Nerd Rage - Elliott Nerd Rage - A Comic about nerds raging over nerdy things. Nerd Rage - Jim 8.gif Nerd Rage - A Comic about nerds raging over nerdy things.
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I'm Not Saying It's an Alien Prequel

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Nerd Rage - Update
I'm Not Saing It's An Alien Prequel

June 15th, 2012

So, Prometheus. Love it, hate it, it's this week's Nerd Rage. I'm not going to debate or review it here, and I certainly don't want to spoil anything.

Obviously this has been a big milestone for Nerd Rage. This is the 83rd strip. The first strips were about Prometheus (pro-tip: don't read them because they're absolutely awful) and this isn't the only other time it's been brought up. An earlier iteration of this week's comic was bookended with comments from Elliot and Jim, but I cut it down to just its meaty center. They felt shoehorned it. This leaves a gaping hole in the continuity and I know many of you must be sitting on the edge of your seat (Did Elliot go see Prometheus or did he not go see Prometheus?), so I will assure you that he did.

Could a theatrical release be coming for an Avengers Director's Cut? That's what the rumors are saying. And you'll go pay it to see it again because it was just the good.

Something also seems to be going on at Valve. They've put up the Potato Sack Reunion Bundle on Steam. The original Potato Sack Bundle kicked off the alternate reality game that lead up to Portal 2's release. Of course, this could just be paranoia/desperation. Maybe Valve just likes great indie bundle deals.


Nerd Rage is copyright © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe. All rights reserved.
All images, graphics, artwork © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe unless otherwise
noted and may not be used without permission.