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December 16th, 2011

Another week, another comic for Nerd Rage. Some weeks it's easier than others. This is a gaming web comic. So, for example, when something totally ridiculous is release and has the gaming community up in arms? Enter the Metal Gear Rising trailer.

In short, Metal Gear Solid Rising has become Metal Gear Rising. In the hands of Platinum Games, Rising has gone from a "Lightning Bolt Action" game featuring "cut and take" to a "revengeance" game that looks like Bayonetta featuring a blonde cyborg ninja. Raiden is seen doing a multidude of ridiculous stunts, including picking up a Metal Gear and heaving it into the air so that he can slice it in two. Some people would argue that it violates their suspension of disbelief. In a franchise with clones, more clones, clones, giant nuke firing robots, a creepy vampire nanomachine man, a psychic who reads your memory card, and a fat demolitions expert on roller skates. Hrm. Over all, the game looks a little more 'God of War' or 'Bayonetta' than its previous incarnation (possibly my biggest concern), but Platinum Games are a good team.

I don't like what I saw in the trailer, I will hold my judgment until I see an actual game.

Do you like the Justice League? Do you think you'd like a pint size version of the Justice League? Of course you would. Go check out Yale Stewart's Little League!

Europe and Japan have a full list of the free 3DS Suckers Ambassador GBA games.

F-Zero Maximum Velocity
Super Mario Advance 3
The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Mario Kart Advance
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Metroid Fusion
Wario Land 4
Wario Ware, Inc. Mega Microgame$

The NES games were a little disappointing, but this list looks solid. They're not all games everyone either already has or does not want...and somehow Fire Emblem and Zelda actually made the list!

Finally, I haven't pimped TF2 in a while (it and minecraft take turns), so make sure to check out this year' Australian Christmas update.

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All images, graphics, artwork © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe unless otherwise
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