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E3 2011 in a Nutshell

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E3 2011 in a Nutshell

May 10th, 2011

Somehow miss this year's E3 coverage? Don't worry, I've got your covered.

Microsoft: Kinect compatible!
Sony: Move compatible!
Nintendo: HD platform with touchscreen controller.

And then you had Ubisoft doing...things that cannot be explained ("Doodly-doodly-doo", "Tom Calancy!", "You and your friends in a tent", and a slew of dick jokes.)

There's something sort of surreal about Nintendo getting excited about an HD platform...since 6 years ago when everyone else was prepping HD platforms, Nintendo insisted it wasn't necessary.

Now they're hyping it up, while Microsoft and Sony are adopting the same motion controls they had no interest in.

Nerd Rage is copyright © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe. All rights reserved.
All images, graphics, artwork © 2010-2015 Andy Kluthe unless otherwise
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